Please be advised about the upcoming automatic renewal process for this fiscal year Faculty and Staff parking permits. This renewal, scheduled for July 1 will apply to only those who pay for their permits via pre-tax payroll deduction and are Class 1, 12-month employees.
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Rutgers University employees and all non-affiliated parties who work, live, or visit the campus must register for a parking permit to park on campus.
- Faculty/Staff Parking Permit
A Rutgers parking permit is required to park in any Rutgers-owned or leased parking lot and/or parking decks. To park a vehicle on campus, the vehicle license plate must be registered to a valid parking permit.
University Policy 30.2.1, Section 30 | Rutgers University Policy LibraryFaculty and Staff parking permit fees are based on employee bargaining unit agreement: Staff Collective Negotiations Agreements | Office of Labor Relations | Rutgers University
- Rutgers Faculty and Staff (Class 1 and 3) permit fee is based on a salary scale, including Teaching Assistant and Graduate Assistant (Class 6).
- Use this permit calculator to determine salary-based permit fee: Rutgers Parking Permit Fee Calculator
- Rutgers Faculty and Staff classified as Part-Time Lecturer (Class 7), Co-Adjunct (Class 8), and Fellow (Class 9) permit fees are based on the labor union’s parking agreement and permit issued, and the permit period is based on the Academic Year (September – August).
RBHS Faculty and Staff
- General parking permit fee is calculated based on .005 of annual salary with a fee capped at $600.
- RBHS Faculty and Staff can sign up for the limited Guaranteed and Reserved permit. Upon permit availability, the next applicant on the permit waitlist will be notified via email to exchange the general parking permit.
- Guaranteed parking permit cost is $800/year and allowed to park in any guaranteed parking stalls in the assigned parking lot or deck.
- Reserve parking permit cost is $1,600/year and allowed to park in a dedicated parking stall in the assigned parking deck.
How to register for a Faculty and Staff parking permit:
- Login with Rutgers Net ID to access the parking portal account:
- Record vehicle license plate number, state, make, color, and register to permit.
- Select payment option for permit fee:
- Pre-tax payroll deduction (Aligned and Non-Aligned employee parking payroll deduction is calculated at 1/26 x annual permit cost and will be deducted during the 26 pay periods of the permit valid period)
- Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover), Debit card, or Electronic Check (This payment form is not applicable to RBHS Faculty/Staff)
Where Faculty and Staff parking permit holders can park:
All Faculty and Staff permit holders (annual, semester, and daily permit types) are allowed to park in common Faculty & Staff lots on all campuses. Gated lots or decks require a keycard to access. RBHS Newark decks are excluded for daily permit holders.
Additional Vehicles:
After the permit registration, any new vehicle, new license plate, rental, or loaner car must be registered with a valid parking permit. If you have a temporary plate, register the vehicle with the temporary plate number, and when the permanent plates have been installed on the vehicle, update the information from the parking portal account. Temporary, rental, or loaner car license plates can be deregistered from the parking portal account, to unlink the license plate from the current permit when no longer in use.
- Rutgers Faculty and Staff (Class 1 and 3) permit fee is based on a salary scale, including Teaching Assistant and Graduate Assistant (Class 6).
- New Employee
The hiring department may request a temporary parking permit for a new employee by submitting the Vehicle Registration Form below:
Vehicle Registration Form for New Employee - Temporary Faculty/Staff parking permits (Class 4)
- Jan. 1 - May 31: $60.00 (or June through August 31 or Sept 1 through Dec 31)
- Jan. 1 - Aug. 31: $80.00 (or June through Dec 31)
- Jan. 1 - Dec. 31: $100.00
- Daily Permits
Employees may purchase up to 10 daily parking passes per year from the parking portal account.
- Visit and log in with NetId and password
- Click on Permits and select Purchase Permit
- Under the Permit tab, select the date of visit and then hit next.
- Confirm the valid period date and continue as prompted.
- If applicable, upload a copy of disability placard and ADA registration
- Select or add the vehicle to be registered to the daily permit
- Follow succeeding acknowledgements and confirmation (skip waitlist step) and pay for the permit
Daily permits are allowed to park in common Faculty & Staff lots on all campuses except in RBHS Newark decks.
Visit the Parking Portal - Gated Lots & Deck Access
New Brunswick Campus
- Common gated lots are accessible with a common lot keycard. Faculty/Staff with an active annual permit may purchase a keycard for a fee of $15.00
- College Ave. Lot 16 (accessible to TA/GA starting 4pm on weekdays)
- Busch Lot 55
- Douglass Lot 79A
- Assigned gated lots are designated by lot coordinators upon verification of eligibility. Approved applicants in Assigned Lots must be confirmed for access before submitting a keycard request.
- For New Brunswick Parking Authority Decks: Access to New Brunswick Parking Authority (NBPA) decks are for eligible full time (Type 1) employees with active annual permits. Eligible employees for NBPA decks must sign up for the Wellness, Plum, Morris or Paterson deck waitlist from employee parking portal account. Validated access of permit holders to NBPA decks is by card access only. Any pulled tickets (transient) must be paid by the employee.
Complete the Keycard Request Form for new or replacement cards. Keycard fee may apply.
- Assigned lot keycards will be mailed upon verification of active permit and access approval in restricted lots and/or decks. Any lost or damaged keycard require a $15.00 replacement fee
- NBPA access card will be delivered to the CAB (Clinical Academic Bldg-125 Paterson Street.) for pick up. NBPA replacement card fee is $25.00
Newark Campus
License Plate Recognition (LPR) is the current system used in all parking decks in the Newark campus of Rutgers and Rutgers Health. Permit holders are validated and granted entry based on the scanned licensed plate registered to the active permit. Accounts must have a valid permit, with an active vehicle (License Plate must be entered correctly).
Alternative access credentials
- Access cards: Issuance of access cards have been reinstated as the alternate method of entry/exit should the LPR unsuccessfully capture your license plate information at the gate. Access card can be claimed with receipt of permit purchase at the Bergen/P2 deck located at 160 Bergen St (M-F 8am-4 pm). There is no additional fee on the initial issuance of access card, any lost or damaged cards require a $15.00 fee.
- The ParkWhiz mobile app is an optional method to access the decks should the LPR unsuccessfully capture your license plate information at the gate. The mobile app is an alternative option and free to download. Your mobile number must be up to date in your parking account, visit to review your information.
HOW TO SET UP YOUR PARKWHIZ APP- Download the ParkWhiz app from Apple store or Google play store
- Tap MORE at the bottom right, then select Activate Monthly Parking
- Select Get Monthly Parking
- A text message screen with a generated code will open, select send to register
- A text message will be sent to your mobile confirming successful device setup
- Tap OK to allow ParkWhiz app to connect via Bluetooth with gate reader
- A QR code will generate to scan at the kiosk
Guidelines when accessing the LPR operated decks:
- Approach the entrance/exit at a reduced speed to allow successful camera read
- Make sure that your front/rear license plate are free and clear from obstruction
- If LPR read fails, use ParkWhiz app QR code or tap your access card as your alternate credential
- Approach the entrance/exit at a reduced speed to allow successful camera read
- Make sure that your front/rear license plate are free and clear from obstruction
- Have your backup access ready, register and keep ParkWhiz app on your mobile and scan the QR code if the LPR read is not successful
- If you have an access card, tap the card to the kiosk reader as the alternative option
All employees with inactive permits must take a garage ticket to enter and pay for the ticket to exit the deck. For more questions or concerns, email:
- Common gated lots are accessible with a common lot keycard. Faculty/Staff with an active annual permit may purchase a keycard for a fee of $15.00
- Carpool
Employees wishing to reduce their commute carbon footprint are encouraged to carpool and follow this easy carpooling rule. You can add as many license plates as needed to one permit, but remember, ONLY one vehicle can be on campus at one time.
- Loading/Unloading Parking Privilege
Rutgers Departments may request Loading/Unloading parking privileges for department employees with a valid Rutgers faculty/staff parking permit. The request must be submitted in advance by completing the DOTSHelp general request form.
- Permit Cancellation Policy
Permit Cancellation Policy
Refund requests must be submitted within the eligible period required as defined below. All requests will be reviewed and processed accordingly.
Faculty/Staff Refund Request
- Transactions purchased with Debit/Credit Card or Electronic Check
- Full Refund: Must be submitted within 5 business days from date of purchase. Refunds only applies to annual permits purchased in full
- 50% Refund: May be submitted when you depart from the University within the first six months of the annual permit year. A resignation or termination document must be provided.
- Permits purchased via payroll deduction are not eligible for a refund
To Cancel Payroll Deduction for the purchased parking permit, log in to your parking portal account and click “X” next to your permit number.
Any approved refunds will be issued after all outstanding balances have been satisfied
Transactions Not Eligible for Refund
- Daily permits
- Keycards
- Temporary Permits (e.g. Type 4 permit)
- Paid citations and late fees
- Passport permit
- Transient deck fee
If you qualify to the statements above, complete and submit the Refund Request Form.
- Transactions purchased with Debit/Credit Card or Electronic Check
For more detailed information, visit: Faculty and Staff Parking FAQ